Maybe the catchphrase of vacation, this term was coined by my siblings after borrowing it from the peaNUTS vendor at the Cincinnati Reds baseball games.
I’m home again. I’m back in the United States and having mixed feelings about it all. Without hesitating today, I told someone that ‘next summer when I’m in Costa Rica…’ I said it without thinking, but I mean it. I’ll probably find a way to get myself back down there.
My family and I wrapped up our week with a stay in Manuel Antonio (monkey sounds!) and our final day near San Jose. On Friday morning, my family walked through Manuel Antonio National Park and saw an abundance of wildlife. We saw birds, butterflies, lizards, two sloths, and muchos monkeys. We spent a little time on the beautiful beach inside the park before exiting and heading back to our hotel.
Back at the hotel, we showered up and hit the road back to the Central Valley. It was sometime in this time frame that I discovered that I may be having an allergic reaction to the antibiotic the pharmacy had given me the previous day. I was developing welts and bumps that resembled bug bites, but I was in the car, and no bugs were in sight. Needless to say, I laid off the medicine.
We arrived in the evening to the Central Valley and checked into the Marriot just outside of San Jose. The hotel is lindísimo. It was a fabulous way to end our trip. With everyone being exhausted, we opted for eating dinner at the hotel and calling it an early night. I called it a night little earlier than everyone else because I popped a couple Benedryl. (Dad managed to buy 4 individual pills at the pharmacy because the lady cut out 4 pills from the pack of 50 for him).
Saturday morning we woke up and headed to the Café Britt Coffee Tour. The whole family had a great time! My parents even got called up as volunteers during the tour and earned themselves Café Britt hats. My parents swear I had arranged something ahead of time, but I can promise you I didn’t. However, it could not have worked out any better.
On a side note, my dad was talking to one of the actors after the show, and they said ‘Oh yes, we know you’re daughter, she was here a week ago. I recognized her at the very beginning of the tour.” I guess I’ve been on that tour a few times this summer… : )
We wrapped up Saturday with a final visit to the artisan town of Sarchi to do some gift shopping and witness the local festival. Two adorable little tica girls were rather intrigued by my sister and I and our gringa skin and language. It was really cute because Kristen and I decided that we probably would have done the same thing at their age.
Saturday night was spent at a Peruvian restaurant celebrating my parent’s 29th wedding anniversary. It was a great dinner to finish out on!
Sunday was travel day and started at 4:00 a.m. We departed Costa Rica at 7:10 and arrived in Atlanta at 1:00 p.m. From Atlanta we made the drive home and rolled in around midnight. It was nice to finally arrive.
I’m making my cultural adjustments to the U.S. now, and I’m not fully acclimated yet, and I’m not sure I want to be. I miss Costa Rica already…
Time to get a run in.
Arroz y frijoles,
Jessica Lynn
I’m home again. I’m back in the United States and having mixed feelings about it all. Without hesitating today, I told someone that ‘next summer when I’m in Costa Rica…’ I said it without thinking, but I mean it. I’ll probably find a way to get myself back down there.
My family and I wrapped up our week with a stay in Manuel Antonio (monkey sounds!) and our final day near San Jose. On Friday morning, my family walked through Manuel Antonio National Park and saw an abundance of wildlife. We saw birds, butterflies, lizards, two sloths, and muchos monkeys. We spent a little time on the beautiful beach inside the park before exiting and heading back to our hotel.
Back at the hotel, we showered up and hit the road back to the Central Valley. It was sometime in this time frame that I discovered that I may be having an allergic reaction to the antibiotic the pharmacy had given me the previous day. I was developing welts and bumps that resembled bug bites, but I was in the car, and no bugs were in sight. Needless to say, I laid off the medicine.
We arrived in the evening to the Central Valley and checked into the Marriot just outside of San Jose. The hotel is lindísimo. It was a fabulous way to end our trip. With everyone being exhausted, we opted for eating dinner at the hotel and calling it an early night. I called it a night little earlier than everyone else because I popped a couple Benedryl. (Dad managed to buy 4 individual pills at the pharmacy because the lady cut out 4 pills from the pack of 50 for him).
Saturday morning we woke up and headed to the Café Britt Coffee Tour. The whole family had a great time! My parents even got called up as volunteers during the tour and earned themselves Café Britt hats. My parents swear I had arranged something ahead of time, but I can promise you I didn’t. However, it could not have worked out any better.
On a side note, my dad was talking to one of the actors after the show, and they said ‘Oh yes, we know you’re daughter, she was here a week ago. I recognized her at the very beginning of the tour.” I guess I’ve been on that tour a few times this summer… : )
We wrapped up Saturday with a final visit to the artisan town of Sarchi to do some gift shopping and witness the local festival. Two adorable little tica girls were rather intrigued by my sister and I and our gringa skin and language. It was really cute because Kristen and I decided that we probably would have done the same thing at their age.
Saturday night was spent at a Peruvian restaurant celebrating my parent’s 29th wedding anniversary. It was a great dinner to finish out on!
Sunday was travel day and started at 4:00 a.m. We departed Costa Rica at 7:10 and arrived in Atlanta at 1:00 p.m. From Atlanta we made the drive home and rolled in around midnight. It was nice to finally arrive.
I’m making my cultural adjustments to the U.S. now, and I’m not fully acclimated yet, and I’m not sure I want to be. I miss Costa Rica already…
Time to get a run in.
Arroz y frijoles,
Jessica Lynn