I did it, students. I did it. I ate the chicken bowl that you have raved about all year.
What exactly is a Chicken Bowl you might be asking? I'll explain. It's a heart attack, life-shortening bowl of "goodness" served in our school cafeteria. The fine of art of creating this mixture includes laying soggy chicken nuggets on the bottom, followed by a heaping spoonful of imitation mashed potatoes, only to be smothered in less than impressive gravy, covered with corn and piled high with cheese. I think it's a fair assessment to say you will have lost 2 years off of your life just for consuming one.

Nevertheless, because I love my students dearly and am a woman of my word, I promised to consume one. I waited until that last possible day to do it too. And apparently by waiting until the last Thursday of the year, I also got the worst chicken of the year. Official reports the next day explained that the chicken was "nasty." Awesome. (Like the soggy nuggets were the ONLY thing pulling the meal down.)

Good news though, I never have to eat another chicken bowl. I have proof that I consumed some of it. (See above pictures). : )
Anyway, exciting things are happening in my life--including my annual departure to Costa Rica in 2 weeks. Whoo!
Time for bed though...Last day of school tomorrow! (very mixed feelings about this)
Pura Vida,