It's early. About 6:45 a.m. and I'm at a crossroad. I'm sitting here in the common area in the upstairs staring at piece of dog poo apparently left last night by one of 4 dogs in the house. I'm not sure if I should take care of it myself or let someone else stumble upon it... nevermind, Meggie just picked it up and disposed of it. My big morning decision had been decided. Time for work...
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Meggie just reminded me, be on the lookout for my Merengue 101 and 102 videos to hit the shelves in the near future. After my crash course from Gerry this morning on how to teach Merengue and Salsa to the kids, I feel extremely qualified. Soon to be released is a Salsa 101 video also.
I can hear the sounds of people rushing to pre-order the video RIGHT NOW