Well, today marked a new experience for me. I accompanied one of my students to Heredia to get his hair put into cornrows. Early on in the week he asked me for a number a place where he could get his hair done. I got a number from a friend in Monteverde who knows someone here in Heredia. By the time we got everything worked out, I had rather vague directions on how to get to this lady’s house in the city. I repeat, house. It was in some place called ‘Jardines 2’, the first right after the Universidad Nacional and in front of the red taxi stop. I was supposed to call her when we got there and she would meet us. We all know how that works out…
The process took approximately 3 hours. How in the world does it take 3 hours to do a man’s hair?! Well…when he has to get extensions (something I previously thought only a woman could get) it takes forever. And to boot, he didn’t even like it when we left. The cheerleader in me kept trying to boost his confidence by telling him I really liked it (which I did), but it wasn’t helping. Men…
My boss texted me at one point to ask what I was going to get done, but I think I’ll just stick to doing my own hair for now. I can’t imagine how long a full head of hair like mine would take.
Time to go home for the night,
Jessica Lynn
P.s. For the record, I was super impressed with the work Shantell did. I thought it looked amazing and she had the patience of a saint!
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