Monday, July 2, 2012


I thought about just leaving the blog with that title and nothing else...

Day one was yesterday for the 'cleanse'. Breakfast was herbal tea, lunch was water, dinner was bone broth (a treat!!) and dessert was agua de pipa (coconut water).

Today is looking similar...

So, I will admit that I cheated once yesterday.

Why? Mostly because I ran 9 miles in the morning and given my running background and understanding of fueling the body, I knew that couldn't possibly expend that much energy and only compensate with water and herbal tea for the day. I want to be healthy and I think the cleanse is a challenge, but not to the complete detriment of my body. So at 6:15 a.m. when I came back from my run, I ate a Luna Bar. Since then...nothing but liquids. My stomach was angry with me for the better part of the day. I would be too if I burned 1000 calories and only replenished it with 200. I'm sorry, panza, salvation is coming tomorrow in the form of leafy greens and brown rice. : )

On a positive note, I'm learning a lot of really great and healthy recipes to try back in the States (probably after Georgia though when I plan on housing all kinds of great seafood--including Adam's grilled shrimp).
Grilled shrimp awaiting me in the States
My boss sent me on a mission to walmart last night to get 'provisions' for this cleanse. The produce section of walmart has never looked so appealing as to when you can't touch any of it.

My amiga, Arelys, is pretty sure I'll disappear if I keep this up... : )

Ok, going to attempt some more grad work on an empty tummy--it proved difficult yesterday, but I'm not quite as hungry today!

Family was at the lake all week, and I wanted nothing more than to be there with them. Can't wait to get there when I get back. : )

Tengo hambre,
Jessica Lynn

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