Thursday, June 19, 2014

Cold. Wet. Worth It.

My group got to go Zip Lining today!! I love this adventure activity no matter how many times I’ve done it in the past! Today’s journey consisted of 9 cables ranging from 1500 to 2500 feet across valleys that drop 250-300 feet below you. It’s a thrill ride the whole way!

The only thing I don’t absolutely enjoy is cold and rain during the 2 hour endeavor. Thankfully, today it only rained REALLY HARD for 10 minutes half through. Lovely. It’s a good thing I had my fast-drying pants on. It was windy, raining, and really cold. But always, always worth it.

However, when we finished, I had mud and dirt all over my face and clothes. I apologize for not having a picture of the mess that I’d become. Gracias a dios, everyone looked just like me. When I got back to CPI, I was allowed to go home and take a nice, warm shower. I was so grateful.

When I began to remove my clothing I realized just how many mud stains I had all over my clothes. Normally this isn’t a problem in the States because I have enough extra outfits to choose from and plenty of laundry cycles to clean out the stains. Here, it’s different. Based on my small ration of laundry detergent, and clothing for that matter, I needed a way to clean these clothes efficiently.  (I just did a full load of laundry yesterday.) A few years back, I did a load of laundry in my bathtub here in CR. This was similar today but without a bathtub.

Upon surveying the situation of cleaning supplies that I had at the apartment (and not wanting to waste water on one frivolous laundry cycle), I grabbed a bar of “ecological bath soap” and hopped in the shower. Half a bar of soap later, I had clean laundry! I think. It remains to be seen when I get the clothes from the dryer.

This really isn’t the first time I’ve lived like this in CR. Pura vida, right? I’m not worried. Thankfully, I have already somehow won over a boyfriend who already knows (and appreciates) this about me: Low. Maintenance. : ) I don't always live this way, but I don't mind it either. 

So now, we wait on the dryer to do its job......

30 minutes later…
Dryer check: Clothes are spotless!

This is a win.

Zip lines, mud, and ecological soap,


P.s. Dinner last night! Tortillas with rice and avocados. It was delicious. Really.

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