Sunday, July 8, 2012

New Lodgings

People are curious creatures.

I am in a shared apartment and shared room here in Flamingo (oh, near da' beach, mon). Because of my set up I have new roommates for a few days. These are regular students and not CPI chaperones this week.

I am currently listening in on a conversation about a girl and her love for her hermit crabs.  Did you know that hermit crabs have personalities? And they can understand the vibrations of your voice so that they can recognize when you call them by name? I think it's a load of shiitake mushrooms, but she seems convinced...

The other roommate is another student who is convinced he will run with me tomorrow at 5 a.m.

Finally, there is the girl from Holland who informed me that she would never be like me and keep visiting the same country again and again because it's important to see other places. She didn't really give me time to talk about all of the places I've been, and I didn't really care to. Wasn't worth the fight... It only bothered me in the sense that somehow developing relationships and continuing to visit those people and places is wrong.

Anyway, I'm bunked up here until Thursday. Officially off the cleanse as of dinner last night when my boss and I decided to end it. I ordered gnocchi and it was delicious. : )

Trying to get plenty of grad work done before work tomorrow!

Pura Vida,
Jessica Lynn

Gnocchi for my first meal. Que rico! : )

1 comment:

  1. Haha Yessica, I love you! Oh the joys of traveling....
