Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Man Purse

Alex y yo durante la mejenga en la calle. : )

Today was the last day of service in La Carpio. It was a tearful goodbye for me when I parted ways with Gail. She is such an inspiration to me and those who meet her. We finished our last day of service with delivering bunk beds and playing mejenga in the streets. Mejenga is a pick up game of soccer in Costa Rica.

The place where we delivered one of the beds was so small and cramped that we literally had to build the bed into its space. It’s a very humbling experience to walk into places like this and you walk away wanting to make a change and hoping you don’t forget those feelings when you return home. After beds and fĂștbol we ate a lunch that the women at the Montessori school prepared for us and then visited the room where the women’s co-op is located.

The women’s co-op is something Gail started for the women of La Carpio to give work to women with creative talents and skills. The women make things like jewelry and purses to sell as a way to learn a living. It’s a wonderful program.

One woman in particular makes purses entirely out of zippers that can be entirely unzipped if so desired into a string of zippers. Imagine who in the group thought this was a particularly incredible invention: the men. Guess who bought them to take home as gifts to the women in their lives? The men. I’ve never seen so many men buying purses. Tuanis.

Okay, my group is watching a movie and I’m just finishing work for the night, so I’m going to leave work and get some sleep. White water rafting tomorrow!!

Tuanis mae,
Jessica Lynn

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