Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Zumba + Beetles

Any interesting title, I know. I'm just trying to condense the events of the last couple of days!

On Monday evening, Gabby and I went to the Zumba class that we stumbled upon the previous week. It was a cultural experience--in a good sense! 

Cultural Differences:
1. We only paid 800 colones which is roughly $1.50. Where can you get an hour long workout for that price in U.S.? No where. 
2. The songs were also different! 
3. We did it in big open salón instead of a fancy studio.
4. Men! There was one token male in the class, but I don't know if this is a difference or similarity.

Cultural Similarities:
1. A lot of the moves were similar to ones I've done in my limited Zumba experience, but it was still new and interesting! 
2. It was just like the U.S. in the sense that some people know all the moves and some people are always one beat behind. 
3.There is always one person who seems to know all the moves already. In this case the person was wearing long powder-blue spandex and a fanny pack.
4. Zumba clothes seem to be like the U.S., unless you're me. I looked exactly like I normally do: a runner wearing her running gear but doing a different activity in it (Nike running shorts, running tank top, and Asics running shoes).

All in all, it was great to get a different type of workout AND experience it in a different place! Me encanta!

Okay, on to the beetle... Nothing too much to report here other than I got on the bus and our driver had found a Hercules Beetle and wanted to save it so it wouldn't die. It was roughly the size of my hand: 6-7 inches long. At one point it fell under his seat while driving so I had to retrieve it. Picking up an enormous bug? No problem. Snakes? Barf.

Anyway, it's always pretty cool to see these creatures up close instead of in an insectarium!

Oh, and last night, we made cookies at Muni's house. It was a banana-peanut butter-chocolate-chocolate chip cookie combination. Anything chocolate is good to me. : )

Pura vida,

Jessica Lynn

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